Friday, October 12, 2012

Mini Choux Pastry

 I am watching Crquembouche and Coux pastries in Masterchef from past 3-4 years.Finally i decided to give them a try.They turned out nice.My first batch was bit soggy from inside.So,in next batch i left them in oven power off  for another 10 minutes,and it worked !!I dip the top of them in caramel,which become hard and given very nice crunchy sweet flavor.. I suggest to fill them with custard just before serving.

(15 mini size)

1/2 cup water
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 medium eggs


  • Preheat the oven to 425°F (210°C).
  • Mix water, butter, sugar and salt in a medium sized saucepan and place on medium heat.Remove from heat as soon as the butter has melted and the water is boiling.
  • Stir in all of the flour at once. Mix for at least two minutes and until the mixture is smooth, detaches from the sides of the pan, and forms a ball. (it ll get dry)
  • Add one egg and beat the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon until the egg is fully incorporated. Add the other one in the same way. Each egg takes about a minute to be absorbed into the batter.The batter will become glossy.
  • Scoop or pipe the puffs onto a baking tray covered with parchment cooking paper. If you wish, use a pastry brush to lightly coat the tops of the puffs with beaten egg. This will give the puffs a lovely shiny and slightly crunchy finish.
  • Bake them for 15-20minutes,lower the oven temperature to 375° F (190°C), and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer. 
  • Pierce each puff and return the tray to the oven that has been turned off. Leave them in the oven for around 10minutes.(this ll make pastries crunchy from inside)
  • Finally,make a hole on side of each pastry and fill them with custurd with the help of piping bag.
  • Pastries are ready.You can cover them with caramel or just dust with icing sugar.

# If you use a pastry bag, a 1/2 inch diameter tip is good for small puffs.
## When forming the puffs, keep in mind that each one will at least double in size in all directions

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