Monday, May 6, 2013

Khubani ka Meetha / Apricot Compote

Its again my SNC entry for this month.. :) This month we got challenge by Roha,from "Hydradicuisine".She elaborated the recipe in very fine way.
In north indian Kitchen,we don't use khubani very often..That fact made this challenge appropriate for us. :P 

This dessert is a part of Hyderabad cuisine and unbelievably simple to prepare.. Generally prepared from dried Khubani i.e. Apricot..may be next time i will try it with fresh fruits.
Traditionally it is served with cream or a day you can get it with ice-cream too ..I personally served it with ice-cream as i avoid cream on my plate ;)

(1-2 Serving)

8-10 Dried Apricot
2 tbsp Sugar
1 Green Cardamom(powdered)
1 tsp Lemon juice
4-5 Almonds
8-10 Apricot nuts
2 Scoops Cream/Ice-cream/Custard (Optional) for Topping.


  • Soak apricots in 1.5 Cup water overnight.
  • Remove from water and remove seed from them.
  • Take a heavy bottom pan and add crushed/pureed apricots with the same water they have been soaked overnight.
  • Cook it on low flame till it get into thick compote like consistency.
  • Meanwhile crack the seeds and get almond like nut from them.Blanch and crush them
  • Add sugar,cardamom powder,lemon juice and nuts.Cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve warm or cold as per your liking with topping of your choice.

# Keep in mind that apricot are already bit sweet in taste while adding sugar.
## I pureed the apricots.if you are using whole than just crush them with back of spoon while cooking.


  1. Lovely clicks.Looks so delicious.

  2. Wel done.. Mouthwatering sweet...

  3. Delicious mouthwatering dessert Kirti.

    today's post:

  4. Congrats Kirti, u have been awarded the Liebster award! Pick it up from Dont forget to follow the rules that go with it! Keep up the good work!


  5. oh wow yummy dessert so good and tempting to stomach.

  6. Beautifully presented!!! Looks marvelous.
